Current projects
at the Vaucresson interchange!
Anyone taking the A13 motorway last November would have seen the SETHA teams at work between the lanes of the Vaucresson interchange.
On behalf of COFIROUTE, the teams intervened, day and night, for 4 weeks to renew a leaking fire network pipeline.
50m of pipes and motorway lanes separate the technical facilities on one side of the toll gate and the fire hydrant on the other side.
The operation for SETHA teams consisted in:
- Core boring for a 6m-deep access pit in order to extract the buried technical facility,
- The digging of a trench,
- The laying of the new pipe in 100mm-diameter reinforced cast-iron, connected to the new fire hydrant.
Works were carried out using mobile equipment which moved along the works pathway in order to maintain traffic flow.
The specificity of this project was its environment, which required the ongoing presence of COFIROUTE teams to ensure the safety of the worksite and teams.
COFIROUTE, a first collaboration for SETHA, but certainly not the last.