When the West rides to Belgium’s rescue…
Further proof that “united we stand, divided we fall”, and that SADE Group synergies are more than mere words!

In spring 2019, Bruno KEMPT, then working in Brussels, was looking for a team to manage a wastewater treatment worksite in the very heart of Brussels. Five staff from the Nantes Agency signed up for 3 months to assist our Belgian allies.
In mid-May 2020, this first technical worksite led to a second: the same team hit the road again to work on a second project involving the same issues: major depth, large diameter, narrow road, etc.
On 17 June, A. GUILLOTEAU, Manager of the Rennes Regional Division, travelled to Brussels to visit the team and check on the project’s progress. He made the most of this trip to take stock of this collaboration with José RODRIGUES, ARGEA’s Managing Director.
During this cordial and constructive exchange, both parties confirmed that this collaboration is highly positive AND fully beneficial not only for the SADE Group, but also for each of the entities involved. It was also highlighted that in addition to sharing skills, both sides have become friends and trusted allies.
So everything is in place for further collaboration as soon as the opportunity arises…