SADE takes off with ADP…
…by obtaining France’s largest pipeline order in recent years.

The SADE (SADE Special Works and Île-de-France RD) – EHTP – SETEC HYDRATEC and CABINET MERLIN consortium recently won its bid for a 30-month design-building order from the ADP Group (formerly Aéroports de Paris).
ADP Group’s Marne project consists in the laying of a stormwater transfer pipeline from Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport to the Marne river. The pipeline path, which runs for some 9km between the municipalities of Gressy and Annet-sur-Marne, will enable the gravitational evacuation of water.
Led by SADE Special Works (agent), this complex project combines microtunnelling along 3km and open-air laying along 6km. The pipeline will measure 1,400mm in diameter for the standard section and 1,800mm in diameter along the microtunnelled section. It will be sized for flows of up to 1,300l per second (compared to the current decree authorising 200 to 1000l per second).
This design-building project will begin with an intense phase of engineering by the consortium, which is responsible for designing the various facilities and finalising the project phase.
SADE will roll out a vast array of techniques during the 2-year works, including microtunnelling (Ø 1,800mm), laying cast-iron (Ø 1,400mm), civil engineering facilities, grout walls, secant piling, standard shoring and pile driving.
On what is presently one of France’s largest pipeline worksites, the consortium (SADE (agent) – NGE – BTP – Cabinet Merlin – Setec Hydratec) also sought to reduce its carbon footprint by recycling 95% of the 93,000m³ excavated (reuse on adjacent agricultural lands).
Preparation of the worksite began in October 2022 for the start of works in April 2023.