Categories for Technical

Alternative energies at the forefront…

4 February 2021
…At a test site in Limonest, a municipality in the Métropole de Lyon. Early this year, the Centre-East RD, in partnership with its customer Eau du Grand Lyon [Lyon water authority], led a test worksite in preparation for the future of our activities. A growing alternative technical offer and a demanding customer The range of green equipment for public works has reached a level of maturity which enables us to seriously consider new leads for our activities. The determination of Métropole du Grand Lyon to move towards energy transition, in line with the regulation for Low Emission Zones, and the… +

Air ejector maintenance for the City of Paris…

4 February 2021
A new contract won by SETHA, in total Group synergy… In late 2020, SETHA’s Solutions & Services Department won a call for tender of a new kind. A contract involving water and services, but with a new customer, the City of Paris Real Estate Department. Spotlight on the order 1st February 2021 saw the first intervention by SETHA, which has signed a four-year contract to oversee preventative and remedial maintenance of the air-ejector systems for buildings belonging to the City of Paris: 70 sites, 250 installations, 130 air ejectors, 120 compressors Historical background… In the early 20th century, prior to… +

Managing industrial wastewater discharge…

27 January 2021
No problem, SADE has got the skills! As part of a judicial enquiry led by OFB (the French Biodiversity Office or “environmental police”), DREAL (Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement, i.e. Regional Environment, Development & Housing Directorate) issued formal notice to Gelagri, a Loudéac-based business, regarding its wastewater discharge management. Excerpt from Ouest France newspaper “Kilometres of stream have been polluted”, says Alain Marteil, chairman of Loudéac fishery (Côtes-d’Armor). “This is organic pollution spreading down from the Calouët stormwater basin that appears to have been discharged into the Ouest River level near La Ville Léo”, explains Jean… +

Pipeline repairs with motorway feedthrough

22 January 2021
at the Vaucresson interchange! Anyone taking the A13 motorway last November would have seen the SETHA teams at work between the lanes of the Vaucresson interchange. On behalf of COFIROUTE, the teams intervened, day and night, for 4 weeks to renew a leaking fire network pipeline. 50m of pipes and motorway lanes separate the technical facilities on one side of the toll gate and the fire hydrant on the other side. The operation for SETHA teams consisted in: Core boring for a 6m-deep access pit in order to extract the buried technical facility, The digging of a trench,  The laying… +

Morocco: record lead times on the Targuist and Kharroub worksites

20 January 2021
50km laid in 6 months and 7km in 3 months at the peak of the COVID crisis! And one… SADE Morocco reinforced 50km of ⌀ 300 to 400 PVC drinking water pipes in just 6 months for APDN (Agence pour la Promotion et le Développement du Nord, i.e. agency for the promotion and development of Northern Morocco). The project was costed and won during lockdown despite limited consultation. The aim of this project is to secure the drinking water supply of the town of Targuist from the new desalination plant in the town of Al Hoceima. Located at the heart… +

A first for Lyon…

15 January 2021
In Lyon, Gantelet-Galaberthier has dug a tunnel 5 metres under the water table and 8 metres under natural ground level, using a standard sheltered technique with jet grouting in the soil mass. The Lyon subsidiary set itself the impressive challenge of creating the final section of these sewer mains along 180m! This is the first time a gallery has been dug using traditional methods in the alluvium of the Saône river. To achieve this, a technique had to be devised in order to create a waterproof underground mass, from surface level, around the future location of the gallery, enabling miners… +

Port of Calais: sharing is caring!

8 January 2021
For the construction of the Calais cross-channel terminal’s public wastewater system. SEPD, the port operator, has selected the Boulogne-Sur-Mer Agency (Arras Regional Division), in partnership with Veolia, to build the system. From individual to shared Currently routed and treated using micro-plants, wastewater from the site’s 15 buildings, i.e. approx. 70m3/h, is set to be collected and discharged into the town’s shared system by next spring. This change of method requires the construction of custom infrastructure. New systems SADE’s teams built a 1.3km interlocking PVC CR16 ø200 tube gravity system including 55 manholes, a 1.3km, HDPE ø90 backflow system including 20… +

Back-up water supply at the Penly and Paluel nuclear power plants…

16 December 2020
Or how to build systems hoping that, just for once, they will never be needed… Securing fuel cooling ponds, in case of pump prime loss, is a key component of our post-Fukushima operations. At Penly and Paluel, the Normandy Regional Division is building the main systems for the Backup Water Supplies (BWS) to tackle this major issue. One process For both nuclear power plants, the BWS works in the same way. The process involves building capable infrastructure, irrespective of events (earthquake, flood, etc.) to route water – via a gravity system, i.e. using zero energy – from the existing basins… +

SADE on a (not so gentle) slope!

4 December 2020
The town of Beauvais is reinforcing one of its main clear wells supplying the town centre. Managed by the Beauvais Agency (Arras Regional Division) in collaboration with Veolia, this worksite involves the reinforcement of the connection of a well, located at the top of a slope, to the catchment wells and distribution system set up downhill. Technically speaking, it consists of the construction on the side of a slope on 30°-gradient (i.e. 60%) terrain over a 30m stretch, of two parallel underground cast-iron ø400 pipes, the first to supply and the second to distribute. A complex worksite The worksite was… +

Three more years with RTE…

25 November 2020
…with SADERTELEC, which renewed its framework agreement with the electricity transmission company. Do we still need to introduce SADERTELEC, our subsidiary that works exclusively for RTE, and whose headquarters are based in Marseille? A little history, all the same… It was back in 2009 that the Marseille Regional Division got in touch with the electricity transmission company, realising that burying very high voltage lines (63 to 400KV) was a fast-growing business. Our initial aim was to offer specific structural services, particularly microtunneling with STS. In 2013, a new entity was created to specifically focus on this business line: SADERTELEC. This… +